Nebula Stone Metaphysical articles. The Book of Stones


Nebula Stone Metaphysical articles. The Book of Stones, Love is in the Earth, Melody, Katrina Raphaell, Naisha Ashian, Rosalie Creations, Ish Gisella Cannarsa, David Federman: Colored Stone, Bob Jones, Rock and Gem, Sid Williams, Twintrees, Janeann Dow, Judy Hall, Dr. Dave Douglass, New Age Retailer, Judy Hallova, Marie Nilsson, Hazel Raven, Robert Simmons, Robert Webster,                            Nebula Stone Metaphysical articles. Chinese Angel sitting in Moon, The Book of Stones, Love is in the Earth, Melody, Katrina Raphaell, Naisha Ashian, Rosalie Creations, Ish Gisella Cannarsa, David Federman: Colored Stone, Bob Jones, Rock and Gem, Sid Williams, Twintrees, Janeann Dow, Judy Hall, Dr. Dave Douglass, New Age Retailer, Judy Hallova, Marie Nilsson, Hazel Raven, Robert Simmons, Robert Webster,


Metaphysical...Published Articles from Channelers,

Books & Magazines about Nebula Stone

The Origin and Direct source of all Nebula Stone


“We have never seen this type stone and cannot figure out what it is and where it came from.”

                                                              Smithsonian Institution

                                            National Museum of Natural History


"There is something very appealing about Nebula Stones to the eye, to the touch and to the emotions.

                                       It is very comforting…harmonizing one’s energies... It makes one feel more complete in one's body, more

                                       complete in one's life, more at home on the Earth...and spiritually attuned to the higher vibrations of consciousness".

"It is a valuable stone to have at all times as jewelry or as a pocket or pouch stone."

"The singularly beautiful and powerful material known as Nebula Stone."   Radha

                "THE BOOK OF STONES"
Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian, Authors

Prized as personal Massage Stones


Blue dreams

Blue Dreams Chinese Cranes Landscape painting: Nebula Stone Metaphisical Esoteric writings



Katrina Raphaell "Letting Go"

"There is an active energy of regeneration embedded within the nature of this stone."

 "Nebula Stone is pure creative energy where new thought, new feelings and new realities can emerge. Using this stone in meditation it is possible to come to know much larger cycles of time and identify oneself with cosmic creation. From this place of knowing, vast resources of creative inspiration and expanded perception can be achieved.  I have found a very good personal use for the Nebula Stone which I have used just lately."              

                                                         Katrina Raphaell, Renowned Author,

                                                                            Founder of "The Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts"

                                                                                        Kapaa,  Hawaii


Dear Ron and Karen  
May the delights of our mineral kingdom always continue to shine upon you,

and may you always live with the blessings of beauty in your lives.

 Thank you for bringing the wonderful Nebula Stone to the attention of the World’s mineral lovers

without your work and your Discovery we would not have The Nebula Stone.

I truly celebrate you both

 Love & Hugs 




"This Gem conveys a sense of astronomical expanse

that qualifies it to be called the first outer space scenic stone."

David Federman


Colored Stone Magazine


Guanyin / Quan Yin

Guanyin, Quan Yin, Nebula Stone "It is The Stone".


 " I was one of the first to bring Moldavite into this country back then,

 and I can say  Nebula Stone definitely exudes a more soothing energy... and

It's got Pizzazz!!"

"It's my fastest seller. My customers love the feel of it and it's energy!

Once they pick up Nebula Stone, they can't put it down.

I have been in the business over 45 years and...

 There is no question... It is   THE  STONE !!"   

                         Rosalie Creations, Miami



"I open to these stones from the gifted valley in a way unlike my connection to any other rocks."

"I love these stones like pancakes!!!"

                               Michelle N


"I love these stones and really appreciate all of the research and integrity you have put into them."

Katrina Raphaell


"I've carried Nebula Stone with me everywhere ever since I got it from Ron and Karen. I love it!

It has a nice feeling and it's beautiful!! The energy of Nebula Stone will make a significant

contribution to humanity in the healing realm. It's great! I really like it!

Thank you for Nebula Stone!!"

                     Author of " LOVE IS IN THE EARTH "series books  

                                                                            ♪ ♪  Melody


"I thought I'd give the June birthday boy a Nebula Stone rather than a pearl!"



"Finding your Web-Site was kind of like finding a patch of 4 leaf clovers."

"one of the nicest Web-sites we have seen on the Web."



Feng Shui Cherry Blossum, Nebula Stone


 The Cosmos and Reincarnation are one.


Gautama Buddha Nebula Stone Metaphysical page



Tibetan OM AUM Symbol Nebula Stone Carl Sagan page



Metaphysical: Other than Physical. Outside the Physical realm. Relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses. (Webster's dictionary)



I received a call from a gruff sounding gentleman that wanted to know about Nebula Stone. I didn't know what his interests were so I mentioned that he could read some of the stuff on the pages on our web site. I mentioned that there was scientific, Geologic/Mineralogical, Rock hounding articles and esoteric/metaphysical writings.

He then said (real load) "Oh, I don't  believe  in that metaphysical Crap"


whereupon I asked  " Well... then... tell me this...


What... is more... metaphysical... than the... belief... in... God......? "


....silence on the other end of the phone.


Then he laughed and said... "hmm... I see.... Thank you for that."


(the gentleman did select a fine Specimen for his collection.)


Nebula Stone Palmstones, Nebula Palm Stones, Palmstones, Palm Stones, Palm Stone, Healing Palmstones, Gemstone Palmstones, Gemstone Palm Stones, Pocket Stones, Palm and Pocket Stones,

 Nebula Stone unpolished Palm Stone


Prized as personal Massage Stones


Books Articles and Channeling


Nebula Stone from... THE BOOK OF STONES ... By Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian

The Encyclopedia of Crystals by Judy Hall

Katrina Raphaell "Letting Go"

Rock and Gem Magazine Nebula Stone

New Age Retailer Nebula Stone Review

Love is in the Earth  Melody

 Melody Quote about Nebula Stone

   JaneAnn Dow - Mayan Past

 JaneAnn Dow-Ponder this

Ish Gisella Cannarsa Italy



     "This is a fairly new stone in the Healing world"...

“We found Nebula Stone to have a very powerful soul nurturing quality"...

 "I knew the Nebula took us deep, but this was way deep and very penetrating and powerful"...

                                                      " We discovered that it’s purpose is to awaken long and deep Mayan memories".

"Nebula Stone is beautifully named after the Mother of our Star system."

"Nebula Stone took us deep into our Mayan past."

                                           JaneAnn Dow 

                                        Author of Crystal Journey and Crystal Journey Cards.



"I've worked with Nebula Stone for several years and have found it to be unsurpassed for spiritual enlightenment work"

"It is of some significance that this Nebula Stone was discovered on the eve of the Millennium."

"Light workers, healers and Channelers are all working to discover it's healing energy properties."

"In healing, The Nebula Stone can be used to balance any and all chakras"

"Nebula Stone focuses and harmonizes ones energies."

"When you carry the Nebula, The body mind and spirit all seem to come together in harmony."

"Nebula Stone helps one meditate and obtain internal peace."

Gwen Day  Stone Circle Spirit



The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Judy Hall

Crystal Bible by Judy Hall Nebula Stone judy Hall page Crystal


This stone accesses the Akashic Record and facilitates Aura readings. A stone of non-duality and Oneness.

It increases self-awareness and self-love.   



The Dalai Lama and Carl Sagan

The Dalai Lama and Carl Sagan Cosmos, Contact, We are in the Universe and The Universe is also within us. Just like the Nebulas Just like ourselves, Everything is reborn and continues. Nebula Stone Reincarnation, Buddhism


The Dalai Lama and Carl Sagan

"Billions upon Billions of Stars"

Reincarnating the Universes

The Circle of Life



Cosmos Carl Sagan and The Dalai Lama  We are made of Star Stuff, We are in the Universe and the Universe is also within us.

"Just like the Nebulas, Just like Ourselves...Everything is Reborn and Continues".


* NEW  Testimonials

 Call us




     Ask about Gift wrapping and sending direct to recipient!


* We are not set up for online shopping cart buying... so please call Or E-mail us for a purchase.


The Dalai Lama and Carl Sagan  The Dalai Lama  Carl Sagan Cosmos Contact, Dalai Lama  Dalai Lama and Carl Sagan Buddhism Buddha Dalai Lama Compassion and Science, We are Star Stuff, Cosmos, Space, Contact, Buddhism, Buddha Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.  Compassion, Tolerance, Peace We are in the Universe and The Universe is also within us. Just like the Nebulas Just like ourselves, Everything is reborn and continues. Nebula Stone Reincarnation, Buddhism The Circle of Life


Newly updated:   The Discovery of Nebula Stone  Mayan Mask Carving Maya Skulls Tikal Mayan Carvings Mayan Calendar Remote Hidden Valley  "The Enchantment of Nebula Stone" Discovery Story. "The Enchantment of Nebula Stone"




Pendants and Earrings 


Nebula Stone Tumbled Stones


Large Nebula Stone Gemstone Palmstones PALMSTONES Palmstones, Palm Stones, Palmstone, Gemstone Palmstones, Gemstones Palmstone, Healing Palmstones, Gemstone Palmstones, Gemstone Palm Stones, Pocket Stones, Palm and Pocket Stones, Hot Stone Therapy Hot Stone Massage Tumbled Stones NEBULASTONE.COM Nebulas are continually Reincarnating the Universes Nebula Stone

* NEW Nebula Stone Nuggets Tumbled Stones  Tumbled Stones Tumble Stones Tumblestones Tumbled Gemstones Nuggets Tumbled Gemstone Medicine Stones


High-Graded Nebula Stone Palm Stone Mineral Specimens, Nebula Palm Stones, Palmstones, Palm Stones, Palm Stone, Healing Palm Stones, Gemstone Palmstones, Gemstone Palm Stones, Pocket Stones, Palm and Pocket Stones,

* NEW Large Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones High graded 


 Starburst Nebula Palm & Pocket Stones


Mayan Gemstone Carvings  


 Nebula Stone Carvings  Carvings Skull Carvings, Stone Carvings Skulls Carvings Mayan Carvings Mineral Spheres Gemstone Crystal Spheres, Skull Carvings, Mayan Carvings, Crystal Skull Carvings, Crystal Gemstone Carvings, Animal Carvings, Mineral Spheres, Gemstone Spheres, Palm Stones, Oriental Snuff Bottles, Zuni Carvings,


Nebula Stone Animal Carvings


Nebula Stone Gemstone Mineral Spheres  SPHERES Spheres Sphere Gemstone Spheres Crystal Spheres Mineral Spheres Sphere Crystal Spheres Balls Globes Spheres Mineral Sphere Gemstone Spheres Decorative Spheres Mineral Spheres Stone Spheres The Dalai Lama and Carl Sagan Nebula Stone Gemstone Mineral Spheres NEBULASTONE.COM


The Nebula Skull Crystal Skull


Nebula Stone Gemstone Crystal Skulls  Skulls Skull Gemstone Skulls Carved Skulls Skull Crystal Skulls Carvings Skulls Stone Skulls Crystal Alien Skull, Crystal and Gemstone Skulls Skull Pendants Mineral Skull Carvings Realistic Skulls The Nebula Skull, NEBULASTONE.COM


Alien Skull Stone Supernova Discovery  Alien Skull Stone Stone Skulls Skulls Crystal Alien Skulls Gemstone Skulls Karen's Supernova Discovery The Ancient Skull Shaped Stone we came to call... The Supernova Alien Skull Stone.


Nebula Stone Quotes

The Encyclopedia of Crystals by Judy Hall

Katrina Raphaell "Letting Go"

Nebula Stone in Melody's Book

Nebula Stone in The Book of Stones

Nebula Stone by JaneAnn Dow- Mayan Past

Nebula Stone Review by New Age Retailer

Melody's note about our Discovery

JaneAnn Dow-Ponder this

Metaphysical...Published Articles about Nebula Stone

More about Nebula Stone

Colored Stone January February 2010

Nebula Stone Rock and Gem Magazine Story

Mineralogical Analysis

Nebula Stone Gemstone Knife Handle in the making

Nebula Stone Slabs

* NEW Chocolate Galaxy

* NEW Collector Gallery

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull




"The Cosmos a Spacetime Odyssey" with Neil Degrasse Tyssen


 "Some of the Things That Molecules Do"[22]   March 16, 2014 (2014-03-16) The story begins with Tyson sitting at a campfire, and telling how the wolf changed through artificial selection, and selective breeding into the dog breeds around today. He then enters the Ship of Imagination, and explains natural selection with the process that helped to create the polar bears. Along the way he talks about DNA, genes and mutation. Next he goes to a forest and describes the Tree of life, this leads him to discussing the evolution of the eye. He then discusses extinction, by going to a monument called the Halls of Extinction, dedicated to the broken branches of the tree of life. Explaining the five great Extinction events. He then tells how some life has survived, and then focuses on the tardigrade. From there he talks about what other kinds of life might have been created on other worlds. He then goes to Saturn's moon Titan. From there he speculates about life and how it first began. He then returns to Earth and tells about abiogenesis and how life changed and evolved. The show ends with an animated sequence from the original series of life's evolution from one cell to humans





* We are not set up for online shopping cart buying... so please call or E-mail us for a purchase.






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 Crystals and Stones are not a substitute for medical treatment.

Nebula Stone makes no claims, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

If you need help in any way please consult your doctor or other health care practitioner regarding health issues.


Copyright© 1995-2024 Nebula Stone™
 the sole source of all Nebula Stone™ or related Nebula type stones.
All rights reserved.